Denise Bucataru



There’s never a day that goes past where Denise is not dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s on all aspects of administration.

She is detail driven, dedicated, and compassionate each and every day ensuring that she clearly communicates the needs of her clients and the team effectively and seamlessly.

She is passionate about delivering for her clients with a friendly nature, trustworthiness, and positive attitude that will make you smile and brighten up your day.

Denise thrives in client communication, contract documentation, administration and sales management. She ensures that each client can buy or sell their home with confidence and peace of mind as she guides them smoothly on their home journey.‍‍

Drawing on years of experience of delivering for clients, Denise understands the significance of each and every client in growing the service, reputation and trust in Home Real Estate.‍

Connect with Denise today.